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Pope’s Catechesis 2 on The Spirit and the Bride

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Illustration: Colored version of the ‘Creation – illustration’ from Martin Luther’s 1534 Bible

Pope Francis’  Cycle of Catechesis on The Spirit and the Bride
2. The Holy Spirit guides the people of God towards Jesus our hope.
Saint Peter’s Square – Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Cycle of Catechesis. The Spirit and the Bride. The Spirit and the Bride. 
The Holy Spirit guides. the people of God towards Jesus our hope. 2. 
“The wind blows where it wishes”. Where there is the Spirit of God, there is freedom

The introductory reading is from the first words of the Book of Genesis 
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 
The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; 
and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters.

Dear brothers and sisters, 

In today’s catechesis, I would like to reflect with you on the name by which the Holy Spirit is called in the Bible.

The first thing we know of a person is the name.  It is by his name that we address him, that we distinguish him, and remember him.  The third Person of the Trinity also has a name: He is called the Holy Spirit.  But “Spirit” is the Latinized version.  The name of the Spirit, the one by which the first recipients of revelation knew Him, by which the prophets, the psalmists, Mary, Jesus, and the Apostles invoked Him, is Ruach, which means breath, wind, a puff of air.

In the Bible, the name is so important that it is almost identified with the person himself. 
To sanctify the name of God is to sanctify and honor God Himself. 
It is never a merely conventional designation: it always says something about the person, his origin, or his mission.  This is also the case with the name Ruach.  It contains the first fundamental revelation about the Person and function of the Holy Spirit.

It was by observing the wind and its manifestations that the biblical writers were led by God to discover a “wind” of a different nature
It is not by accident that at Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles accompanied by the ‘roar of a rushing wind’(cf. Acts 2:2 – suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting). 
It was as if the Holy Spirit wanted to put his signature on what was happening.

What, then, does His name, Ruach, tell us about the Holy Spirit? 
The image of the wind serves primarily to express the power of the Holy Spirit.
 “Spirit and power” or “power of the Spirit” is a recurring combination throughout the Bible. 
For the wind is an overwhelming force, an indomitable force, capable even of moving oceans.

Again, however, to discover the full meaning of the realities of the Bible, one must not stop at the Old Testament, but come to Jesus. 
Alongside power, Jesus will highlight another characteristic of the wind: its freedom
To Nicodemus, who visits Him at night, Jesus say solemnly: “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes.  So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit” (Jn 3:8).

The wind is the only thing that absolutely cannot be bridled, cannot be “bottled up” or put in a box. We seek to “bottle up” the wind or put it in a box: it’s not possible.  It is free. 
To attempt to enclose the Holy Spirit in concepts, definitions, theses or treatises, as modern rationalism has sometimes attempted to do, is to lose it, nullify it, or reduce it to the purely human spirit, a simple spirit. 
However, a similar temptation also exists in the ecclesiastical field, and it is that of wanting to enclose the Holy Spirit in canons, institutions, definitions. 
The Spirit creates and animates institutions, but He himself cannot be “institutionalized,” “objectified”.  The wind blows “where it wills,” so the Spirit distributes its gifts “as it wills” (1 Cor 12:11 – All these are inspired by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills.).

St Paul will make this the fundamental law of Christian action
He says. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor 3:17 – Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.).
A free person, a free Christion, is the one who has the Spirit of the Lord. 
This is a very special freedom, quite different from what is commonly understood. 
It is not freedom to do what one wants, but the freedom to freely do what God wants!
Not freedom to do good or evil, but freedom to do good and do it freely, that is, by attraction, not compulsion.  In other words, the freedom of children, not slaves.

Saint Paul is well aware of the abuse or misunderstanding that can be made of this freedom. 
To the Galatians he writes, For you were called to freedom, brothers.  Only do not use your freedom as a pretext for the flesh, but through love to be of service to one another” (Gal5:13).  This is a freedom that expresses itself in what appears to be its opposite, it is expressed in service, and in service is true freedom.

We know well when this freedom becomes a “pretext for the flesh.” 
Paul gives an ever relevant list: “sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these” (Gal 5:19-21).  But so too is the freedom that allows the rich to exploit the poor, it is an ugly freedom that allows the strong to exploit the weak, and everyone to exploit the environment with impunity. And this is an ugly freedom, it is not the freedom of the Spirit.

Brothers and sisters,  where do we draw this freedom of the Spirit, so contrary to the freedom of selfishness?   The answer is in the words Jesus addressed one day to His listeners: “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).  The freedom that Jesus gives us.  Let us ask Jesus to make us, through His Holy Spirit, truly free men and women.  Free to serve, in love and joy. Thank you.



We are going through this month dedicated to the Sacred Heart.

December 27 of last year marked the 350th anniversary of the first manifestation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St Margaret Mary Alacoque.  That occasion marked the beginning of a period of celebrations that will end on June 27 next year.

This is why I am pleased to prepare a document that brings together the precious reflections of previous Magisterial texts and a long history that goes back to the Sacred Scriptures, in order to re-propose today, to the whole Church, this devotion imbued with spiritual beauty. 
I believe it will do us great good to meditate on various aspects of the Lord’s love, which can illuminate the path of ecclesial renewal; but also says something meaningful to a world that seems to have lost its heart.

I ask you to accompany me in prayer, during this time of preparation, with the intention of making this document public next September.


Summary of the Holy Father’s words

Dear brothers and sisters: 
In our ongoing catechesis on the Spirit and the Bride, we now center our attention on the Biblical name of Holy Spirit, which in Hebrew is Ruach, meaning breath, wind, or spirit. 
This name highlights the Spirit’s profound power and freedom. 
Jesus likens the Spirit to the wind that blows where it wills, thus emphasizing the freedom of the Holy Spirit, who not only creates and inspires but always remains free, bestowing his gifts “as he wills” (1 Cor 12:11).
Saint Paul affirms this, stating: “Now the Lord is Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Cor 3:17).  This freedom is given to us as a gift so that we can do God’s will, rather than merely following our personal desires.  Where do we attain this freedom of the Spirit, so contrary to the spirit of selfishness?  The answer is in the words that Jesus spoke to his followers: “If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed” (Jn 8:36). Let us ask Jesus, through his Holy Spirit, to make us truly free. Free to serve with love and joy.

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